Frequently asked questions
You can verify cards with ISIC, ITIC, IYTC or AliveID logos either by scanning the QR
code or inputting card number.
You won't find a QR code on most plastic ISIC, ITIC, IYTC or AliveID cards. In that case please input the card number manually. All digital cards (in Alive App or ISIC app) have a QR code on the first side of the card. If that isn't so, please switch to the other side of
the card by swiping left.
Yes, it is. Alive Verify verifies validity in real time.
Yes, Alive Verify is also a web application on the address aliveverify.com. You may
open it in a browser of your choice after logging in.
If you have a QR code scanner, connect it to the PC and scan the code after opening Alive Verify. First click on the "Verify using card number" button and then scan the card.
If you don't have a scanner, it is possible to input the card number manually.
Yes, Alive Verify app functions like this. Each branch has a set of login credentials
which can be used by multiple employees of this branch. Meaning you may log into
Alive Verify on for example 4 mobile phones using the same login credentials.
Because Alive Verify is usually used by multiple users, it isn't possible to enable password resetting automatically. For manual reset please contact us through e-mail. You can also search your password in the e-mail, which was used for initial
Alive Verify zaměstnancům zobrazí důvod, proč ověření nebylo úspěšné, aby mohli informovat zákazníka. V tomto případě by sleva neměla být poskytnuta.
You can find the statistics in the app or on the desktop by clicking on your profile
picture in the top right corner of the app and then selecting the "Recent transactions" section.
If you want to start using Alive Verify, contact us using the form below or using e-mail through the address info@aliveverify.com and we will get back to you within 24 hours. Alive Verify is also part of the new standard benefit cooperation agreement which is necessary if you would like to offer benefits to ISIC, ITIC, IYTC or AliveID cardholders.
The Alive Verify application and the sample PHP script for API integration are free for contractual GTS Alive partners.
You cannot use Alive Verify without internet access. It is one of the technical requirements.
Restriction configuration is a matter of the business relationship and is defined in the cooperation agreement. Configuration of restriction is done by GTS Alive according
to partner requirements.
Statistics can be viewed after logging into Alive Partners, to which every benefit
partner has access. This web service is used for checking and retrospectively
searching for individual verifications and transactions.
Alive Verify is only a technical solution for verification of ISIC, ITIC, IYTC, AliveID card validity. This type of information isn't personal data. Alive Verify doesn't enable access to any personal information of cardholders.
Alive Verify API is a technical solution for partners of GTS Alive which is used for ISIC, ITIC, IYTC and AliveID card validity verification. It is available for free. For the ISIC card it is possible to also verify student status of the cardholder.
ISIC (International Student Identity Card) is the only globally recognized student ID
card for primary, secondary, vocational, or university students. The ISIC card in the Czech Republic is issued by GTS Alive which is the named license authority for the area
of the Czech Republic. Apart from the ISIC card it is possible to verify the ITIC card for educators, IYTC card for youth under 26 years and AliveID/Alive card for distance learning students, graduates or employees.
All information about AliveVerify API can be found on www.alivepartners.net or you can contact us through partner@isic.cz.
Alive Verify is an application used for physical stores and contact spots where ISIC,
ITIC, IYTC and AliveID cards are verified in person. The Alive Verify application can be used on mobile devices and on personal computers. It allows ID card scanning or
inputting card number manually.
The Alive Verify API service is used for ID card verification online - in the environment of your e-shop, app, point-of-sale system or verification of passengers in transport.
Alive Verify API can be integrated with most sales system. If you are interested in using Alive Verify API, connect the external company with GTS Alive. We will do everything to successfully establish cooperation.
Verification is the process of authenticating all types of ISIC, ITIC, IYTC and AliveID
cards or student status. Transactions are information about the use of ID cards with benefit partners. For proper functioning of Alive Verify API it is necessary to integrate both verifications and transactions.
Contact us at partner@isic.cz, we will be glad to send you login credentials.